FOAT® Training Program:
Frequently Asked Questions
What's new in the 2023 - 2026 training program?
Instead of 6 levels of training, the newly formatted training has 4 levels. It includes the same learning content; it is just reorganized.
Beginning with Level 1, the FOAT trainings will include smaller supervision groups (maximum 10 - 12 people) to deepen the learning, and to provide greater FOAT Coaching and supervision.
Each training level will provide the opportunity for Individual FOAT Coaching/Supervision:
0.5 hours in Level 1
1 hour in Level 2
2 hours in Level 3 and Level 4
FOAT Coaching will be integrated into all levels of the training as a way to support cultivation of FOAT skillfulness and integrating theory with practice.
Team taught by Laury Rappaport for additional FOAT Faculty and assistants.
Each trainee will have a FOAT Faculty Contact for greater connection, support, and to answer additional questions.
General FAQ
Who is this program for?
The FOAT® Training Program is for anyone interested in learning about the integration of Focusing (developed by Eugene Gendlin) with the expressive arts. FOAT can be applied in various contexts based on your interests– psychotherapy, art/expressive arts therapy, education, coaching, consulting, organizational and community development, health and wellness, meditation, spirituality, creativity, and personal growth.
The training begins with an introductory course that provides an overview of the main theory and practices of FOAT– and helps you to see if you are interested in further training, Levels 1-4. After successfully completing each level, you may decide whether or not you'd like to continue to the next.
Please see our Training Page for course description and sequence.
How do I enroll?
Each level will have its own individual registration through our FOAT Online School. The registrations for each level will open a few months prior to their start date.
Introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)
Live courses were held on March 6, 2023 and February 7, 2025.
Open enrollment for Self-Study: Click here to register
Level 1: Foundations and Approaches of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)
March 19 - June 25, 2025
Enrollment closed: Click here to view course page
Previous Level 1: September 18, 2023 - December 18, 2023
Level 2: FOAT Facilitation and Partnership Skills
January 29, 2024 - June 3, 2024
Enrollment closed: Click here to view course page
Level 3: Advanced FOAT Practice Skills and Applications
September 23, 2024 - February 24, 2025
Enrollment closed: Click here to view course page
Level 4: Integration and Application of FOAT into Practice
April 7, 2025 - October 27, 2025
Enrollment OPEN: Click here to view course page
If you would like to stay up-to-date with all training announcement, including registration openings, please sign up for our email list!
Do I have to do all of the Levels for training?
No! Our trainings are designed so that you can progress through them based on your interests. After successfully completing each level, you may decide whether or not you'd like to continue to the next. We trust that your felt sense will guide you to take the levels of training and/or certification that feel right.
Who are the creators and faculty of this program?
Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT, is the creator of the FOAT® Training Program. She pioneered and developed the theory and practices of Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy (FOAT®) and Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)– based on 40 years of clinical, community, wellness, and organizational applications.
The FOAT Faculty for this program are all Certified FOAT® Practitioners and Certified Focusing Trainers: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®). The primary FOAT Faculty includes:
Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC
Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT
Grace Brillantes-Evangelista, Ph.D., RPsy, CSCLP
Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT
Marise Lariviere, LMFT, ATR, TCF
Additional Certified FOAT® Practitioner/Facilitators and Certified Focusing Trainers (Professionals or Focusing-Oriented Therapists): Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) may join the trainings as Assistant Faculty or FOAT Coaches. To learn more about them, visit our Certified FOATs page.
What can I get certified in through this program?
You may become certified as:
Certified FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator (granted by the FOAT Institute)
Certified Focusing Professional or Focusing-Oriented Therapist (FOT): Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) (granted by TIFI)
What can I call myself once I become certified through this program? Can I call myself an "Expressive Arts Therapist"?
This training currently qualifies you to use following designations based on fulfillment of the proper certification requirements in advanced levels:
“Certified FOAT® Practitioner” or “Certified FOAT® Facilitator”
“Certified Focusing Professional: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)” or “Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist (FOT): Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)”
This training program is meant specifically for FOAT® (Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts). It focuses on integrating Focusing and expressive arts into your setting (can be psychotherapy, social work, education, coaching, wellness, personal growth, arts, etc.). This training program is not meant for training to become a therapist or for any other certifications outside of the designations in the 2 bullet points above. You can only call yourself an "Expressive Arts Therapist" if you have the proper training.
Questions for
Certified FOAT® Practitioner and FOAT® Facilitator
What is a Certified FOAT® Practitioner or FOAT® Facilitator?
Becoming certified as a FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator acknowledges your advanced training and experience to work with others. Certified FOAT® Practitioners and Facilitators receive the same foundational and intermediate levels of training (Levels 1 - 3). In Level 4, trainees receive supervision that is specific to their application of FOAT– thus, supporting the pathway toward Practitioner or Facilitator.
What is the difference between Certified FOAT® Practitioner and FOAT® Facilitator?
The primary difference between the two designations is the educational requirement. Practitioners must have a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the arts therapies or counseling fields. The Facilitator designation is for anyone interested in applying FOAT in other fields or for personal enrichment. See below for clarification:
Certified FOAT® Practitioner: Must have a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the arts therapy field and/or credentialed by one of the arts therapies professions (ATR-BC, REAT, R-DMT, MT-BC, etc.); or clinical/counseling psychology, social work, marriage, and family therapy, or a related field in mental health (as legally defined in one's own country, state, or other jurisdiction).
Certified FOAT® Facilitator: For those interested in using Focusing and the expressive arts for personal and/or professional application, such as in education, coaching, body-work, mindfulness and meditation training, spiritual direction, business, leadership, etc.
If I don’t have an expressive arts background, do I need to take courses in expressive arts in order to become a Certified FOAT® Practitioner or FOAT® Facilitator?
Yes. There is a requirement of documenting at least 25 hours of Expressive Arts learning from in-person/online courses or workshops, completed prior to or during FOAT® Training.
It is recommended that you take the following courses:
Foundational course in expressive arts (theory and practice)
Variety of expressive arts that highlight art, dance-movement, music, drama, poetry, writing, intermodal, etc.
Ethics in expressive arts
If I become a Certified FOAT® Facilitator and later meet the FOAT® Practitioner educational requirements, can I change my designation to FOAT® Practitioner?
Yes, a title change from FOAT® Facilitator to FOAT® Practitioner is possible. You must send in updated documentation of your license(s) for review. Please contact the Training Director at for more details.
What will I receive as part of being Certified as a FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator?
Connection with the Focusing and Expressive Arts (FOAT) Institute
Listing in the Focusing and Expressive Arts (FOAT) Institute directory of Certified FOAT® Practitioners and Facilitators
Receipt of all mailings and newsletters
To be part of a community that brings FOAT® to others and the world to enhance compassion, creativity, and inner wisdom
Eligible to become a Certified Focusing Professional or Focusing-Oriented Therapist (FOT): Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) (granted by TIFI)
Do I need to get recertified as a Certified FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator?
To maintain your certification, you must attend a minimum of 1 FOAT Institute event, course, or training every 2 years.
Questions for
Certified Focusing Professional or FOT:
Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)
What is a Certified Focusing Professional or FOT: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)?
Certification as a Focusing Professional or FOT: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is granted by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI). The purpose of this certification is to recognize the depth and competence in Focusing that you obtain through the FOAT® Training Program, along with your specialization in integrating the expressive arts with Focusing. See TIFI Board Statement on diversity of approaches.
TIFI offers three certifications at the Trainer level: Certified Focusing Trainer, Certified Focusing Professional, and Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist (FOT). See TIFI website for the meaning of each certification. Because the FOAT® Training Program includes the integration of the expressive arts with Focusing, TIFI grants all the three certifications along with the designation, “Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®).”
How do I become a Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)?
For those interested in becoming a Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®), granted by TIFI, an additional training module on how to train others in Focusing and FOAT® is required. Training module information will be announced at a later date.
If I am certified as a Focusing Trainer: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®), what trainings can I offer?
As a Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®), granted by TIFI, you are certified to offer Focusing Trainings at any level and you can integrate FOAT® into your teachings. See TIFI Board Statement on diversity of approaches.
To offer an “Approved FOAT® Training” (Level 1 or higher) by the FOAT Institute, you must first submit a Request to Offer FOAT® Training Form for your proposed course or program that will be reviewed by the FOAT Institute Director and Faculty. To obtain this form, please contact our office at If your proposal is approved, the FOAT Institute will add your training to their website as an “Approved FOAT® Training” (specifically offered outside of the FOAT Institute).
What will I receive as part of being Certified Focusing Professional, FOT, or Trainer: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)?
In addition to the benefits of being a Certified FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator, you will now be a member of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI). Click here to see their Member Benefits page.
Do I need to get recertified as a Certified Focusing Professional, FOT, or Trainer: Specialization in Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)?
Yes, please see the “Maintaining Your Certification” section on the TIFI Certification page.
Don't see the information you were looking for?
Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions you have about our FOAT® Training Program!