Trainer Certification
Certified Focusing Trainer, Focusing-Oriented Therapist or Focusing Professional
Certified FOAT® Psychotherapy Trainer
Certified FOAT® Facilitator Trainer
To become a Certified FOAT® Psychotherapy Trainer or Facilitator Trainer, you must either attain certification as a Focusing Trainer (FOT or Professional) by The Focusing Institute in NY (, or already be a Certified Trainer. You can achieve that certification as a part of your training at The Focusing and Expressive Institute or from another Certifying Focusing Coordinator with The Focusing Institute.
You must also have a minimum of 75 hours of documented training in the expressive arts to be a Certified FOAT® Psychotherapy or Facilitator Trainer.
Certified FOAT® Trainers will be listed on the Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute as well as with The Focusing Institute (, as long as you fulfill the requirements to be listed by each Institute.