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Past FOAT Offerings and Events

Roots, Branches, and Wings Series

Friday, March 7, 2025   1:00 - 3:00pm PST  /  4:00 - 7:00pm EST  /  Click here for your time zone

Community Wellness Focusing – Many Communities, Many Branches
Presented by Pat Omidian and Nina Joy Lawrence

Community Wellness Focusing is about sharing Focusing in a way that touches people and helps us all to bring this amazing body process into our everyday lives. What we discovered is that it's important to share what we learn immediately– not waiting to become any kind of ‘expert.’ Focusing crosses with every other practice when it is part of one’s life.
For community work we recognize that everyone brings their own expertise and shares it with the rest of us. We, as the Focusing teachers (and we use this term lightly), have one kind of expertise, but in this model we facilitate rather than teach. We are training individuals and groups in their own communities, who might work in any kind of capacity– whether participant, activist, teacher, or leader. Each person in the “room” is encouraged to ground what they learn in their own daily lives and work.

FOAT® Training Program

Friday, February 7, 2025   11:00am - 2:00pm PST  /  2:00 - 5:00pm EST  /  Click here for your time zone

Introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) LIVE

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT and Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT

This course provides an introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) including its history and development, foundational principles, and main theoretical and practice approaches. Based on Eugene Gendlin’s evidence-based Focusing, this training includes learning the main concepts of Focusing Attitude, felt sense, symbol/handle, and felt shift.

The course demonstrates user-friendly expressive arts methods for expressing a felt sense and defines the following main approaches– FOAT Check-in, Theme-Directed FOAT, Clearing a Space with Arts, and Working on an Issue. Didactic presentations, experiential practice exercises and examples provide a rich, varied format for learning.

Expressive Therapies VIRTUAL Summit 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024   7:00am - 10:00am PST  /  10:00am - 1:00pm EST

The Power of Using Expressive Arts with Focusing: Building Resilience with FOAT® and SoulCollage®
Presented by Marise Lariviere, MA, LMFT, ATR and Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT

This introductory workshop combines Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) and SoulCollage® - two creative and insightful approaches to enhance our work as clinicians. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to FOAT® as a gentle and curious way to explore their inner experience and access the felt sense. Then they will learn the fun and powerful artistic process of SoulCollage® to strengthen emotional development by expressing their inner wisdom. Blending FOAT® with SoulCollage® fosters a profound experience, allowing our body to guide us to deeper self-knowledge.

To give participants a taste of this powerful medium, we will review the basics of FOAT® and SoulCollage®, create a card or two, and engage in an intermodal experience to deepen insight and self-discovery. Open to all counselors and therapists including people new to FOAT® as well as those with previous FOAT® experience!​

Expressive Therapies VIRTUAL Summit 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024   11:00am - 2:00pm PST  /  2:00pm - 5:00pm EST

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®): Introduction and Overview
Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT and Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT

Focusing-Oriented E​xpressive A​rts (FOAT®), is a mindfulness and somatic approach that integrates the felt sense and the body's wisdom with the expressive arts. It is based on Eugene Gendlin’s ​F​ocusing method, an evidence-based mind-body approach that leads to growth and change. This workshop provides an overview of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) including its history and development, foundational principles, and main practice approaches. Experiential exercises will be presented to teach: 1) the main concepts of Focusing– Focusing Attitude, felt sense, and handle/symbol; and 2) a Theme-Directed FOAT exercise– “Focusing Attitude for You”– that teaches how to access a felt sense; symbolize it as an image, gesture, sound, word, or phrase; and express it through the arts. This FOAT exercise can be applied as a self-care practice for practitioners, as well as a method for working with others.

FOAT can be applied to all clinical contexts, as well as applications in nonclinical contexts (e.g education, coaching, health). This workshop is beneficial for all counselors and therapists, arts facilitators, educators, and coaches. Didactic, experiential, and case examples included.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Thursday, October 17, 2024   11:00am - 1:00pm PDT  /  2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

Dynamic Expressive Focusing: Being Seriously Playful

Presented by René Veugelers

Does it sometimes seem like a challenge to find words to fit your Felt Sense?  Wouldn't it be relaxing to invite your body to express itself in color and/or in movement, instead of words?  Nonverbal communication, bodily expression, creativity, and Focusing seem like four different categories.  In René’s work as a Children Focusing Professional and Art Therapist, he combines and connects these four aspects into one integrated approach: Dynamic Expressive Focusing.  This approach supports ‘the living forward energy’ to glow– to move and grow.  In this presentation, René will invite you to create your wondering space– an open, unconditional acceptance towards the unfolding felt sense and its expression through colors, images, gestures, sounds, and words.  With a sense of surprise, this non-verbal attunement and communication supports your natural process and carries forward a new and unexpected dimension and depth to the Focusing process, accessing your bodily wisdom through interaction. This will be a Seriously Playful Focusing Journey– using Listening in three directions!  René will share examples of Dynamic Expressive Focusing with children and teenagers.  Come and see with your eyes, feel with your hands, and create your inner wondering space for fresh discoveries!

FOAT® Training Program

10 Group Meetings  •  September 23, 2024 - February 24, 2025  3:00pm- 6:30pm PT / 6:00pm - 9:30pm ET / Click here for time zone

Level 3: Advanced FOAT Practice Skills and Applications

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT and FOAT Faculty

Prerequisite: Completion of Level 2 (or equivalent) and Competence Evaluation

Level 3 emphasizes: 

  1. Deepening skillfulness in both individual and group facilitation

  2. Learning to apply FOAT to working with different populations and needs

  3. Exploring the trainee’s personal interests in applying FOAT (psychotherapy, community, coaching, wellness, creativity, self-growth, spirituality, etc.) 

The training includes a variety of learning structures. To deepen FOAT facilitation skills, FOAT Trios (Focuser, Facilitator, Witness), FOAT Partnerships, and expressive arts methods are integrated into the training.  FOAT as a trauma-informed approach is presented, along with applications to children, adolescents, adults, and groups.  During Level 3, trainees explore their own interests in applying FOAT– creating a Learning Plan and designing a FOAT Project that can be applied in Level 4 as a Final Project for certification.  The training includes didactic material, video, readings, demonstrations, experiential practice, peer support groups, FOAT coaching, and individual supervision.

Eligible for 31 CE Hours

FOAT® Tools Series

Thursdays, July 25 and August 1, 15, 22, 2024   3:30pm - 5:30pm PDT  /  6:30pm - 8:30pm EDT

Foundations for Enhancing Resilience 2024

Facilitated by Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT; Assisted by Karen Quatsoe, BFA

We are excited to offer this rejuvenating 4-session series!  Our goal is to co-create a supportive group that will meet to practice specific FOAT® Exercises to enhance resilience, cultivate self-compassion and compassion toward others. Each week will include one main Theme-based FOAT® integrating Focusing with user-friendly methods for arts expression. Through this weekly FOAT practice group, small steps towards wellbeing, positive change, and growth will be nourished and supported. This group is open to people who are new to FOAT, Focusing, and the expressive arts, as well as experienced!

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, July 15, 2024   3:00pm - 5:00pm PDT  /  6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT

The Marriage of Expressive Arts and Jungian Psychology
Presented by Kate Donohue, Ph.D., REAT

A natural kinship exists between expressive arts and Jungian Psychology.  Both are image-based approaches to understanding and healing the psyche, highlighting the symbolic process in their own unique fashion.  While the expressive arts emphasize the artmaking process and the phenomena of an image, Jungian Psychology places more emphasis on the symbolic process and meaning of our image.
This presentation weaves together the theory and practice of both approaches, creating a Jungian-oriented expressive arts healing tapestry of images, emotions, understanding, and transformation.  We will explore the basic concepts of expressive arts and Jungian Psychology, along with how they compare and contrast.  Jungian Theory has an expansive orientation exploring the personal, cultural, and collective unconscious as well as parallel complexes or wounding. Learning will be through experiential process, creative discussions, and suggested readings.

FOAT® Training Program
​10 Group Meetings • January 29 - June 3, 2024  3:00pm- 6:30pm PT  /  6:00pm - 9:30pm ET

Level 2: FOAT Facilitation and Partnership Skills

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT and FOAT Faculty

Prerequisite: Completion of Level 1 FOAT course (or equivalent at educational institutions) or permission of Training Director.

Level 2 teaches the foundational skills for facilitating others in the main FOAT approaches learned in Level 1. Skills and methods include: FOAT Partnership, Compassionate Listening (Intermediate), Theme-Directed FOAT, FOAT Check-in, Clearing a Space with Arts, Inner Critic, FOAT with Steps, and Working on an Issue. 

A core practice within Focusing and FOAT training programs is the Partnership. Trainees will rotate partners to practice facilitating the fundamental FOAT exercises learned in Level 1. Challenges and blocks to FOAT/Focusing will be addressed. The training includes didactic material, videos, readings, demonstrations, experiential practice, FOAT coaching and supervision. 32.5 CEs.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings
Friday, April 19, 2024  12:00pm - 2:00pm PDT  /  3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Introduction to Expressive Arts Focusing (ExAF) Hands-on Methods: Finding Ground in Experiential Arts
Presented by Freda Blob, Ed (Grad), CP (Grad), AT, PCT, FOT-FOAT, GDP

Expressive Arts Focusing (ExAF) is a body-focused approach rooted in the culture of European Focusing, along with Art and Design, using the creative and the expressive arts for facilitation and engagement.  This presentation includes: An overview of Expressive Arts Focusing (ExAF) methods and their therapeutic understanding, along with a museum art-based exercise that provides an example of experiential best practice tools of ExAF.  In addition, Eugene Gendlin’s concept of ‘the More’ will be introduced and explored through Expressive Arts Focusing (ExAF). Participants will gain insight in how to find meaning through artmaking from the body sense that is pointing beyond already known concepts of aesthetic impression (perception) and aesthetic expression (action).  Stepping into aesthetics beyond social and cultural constructs, participants will find new ground in connecting to the open space of being-and-becoming.

FOAT® Community Gathering
Monday, January 8, 2024  2:00pm - 4:00pm PT  /  5:00pm - 7:00pm ET

FOAT Community, Intentions, and Action Steps 2024

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT and FOAT Faculty

During this gathering, we will take some time to become aware of a wish or intention for ourselves and for the world in this new year. Through the healing power of community, heartfelt vision, externalization, and an action step, our intentions are supported to take root and manifest.

We will begin with a Focusing Attunement to ground ourselves, arrive into the present moment and connect with each other through the beauty of stillness and mindful breathing. After, we will take some time to Focus on what we are each wanting to bring into our lives this year… and also something for our world.  Through a user-friendly approach, we will express these intentions through colors, lines, shapes, images, words, gestures, or sounds.  We will then listen within to see if there is a small action step that feels right to water the seeds of our intentions.  There will be time for sharing in small groups and in the larger group.

FOAT® Training Program
8 Group Meetings • Mondays, September 18 - December 18, 2023. 3:00pm- 6:30pm PT  /  6:00pm - 9:30pm ET

Level 1: Foundations and Approaches of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT and FOAT Faculty

Prerequisite: Completion of Introductory level FOAT (including Introduction to FOAT® Self-Study, equivalent courses, or permission of Training Director)

Level 1 provides a solid foundation of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) with an emphasis on deepening one’s embodied knowing of the main FOAT approaches– Focusing Attitude, Theme-Directed FOAT®, Clearing a Space with Arts, FOAT® Check-in, Working on an Issue, Self-Focusing, and Compassionate Listening.  Trainees will also expand their understanding of the core concepts, skills and philosophy of Focusing, developed by Eugene Gendlin– felt sense, symbol/handle, felt shift, and life forward direction. 
Learning FOAT and Focusing in Level 1 emphasizes learning the exercises for oneself– in order to understand deeply how the felt sense, creativity, and the body’s wisdom interacts and unfolds, while also being grounded in FOAT theories.  The FOAT Partnership and small group practices during Level 1 open the doorway to learn about others’ processes and also provides a foundation for facilitation skills that are continued in Level 2.

FOT Conference 2023: Session 7

Friday, November 3, 2023    1:00pm - 3:00pm PDT / 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT

PANEL: The Urgency of Teaching the Essence of FOT to a New Generation
Featuring Laury Rappaport, Biliania Dearly, Charlotte Howorth, Joan Klagsbrun, and Jeffrey Morrison - Moderator

What is needed to preserve the uniqueness of Focusing-Oriented Therapy and pass it along to a new generation? How can we share how we teach, mentor, supervise and promote FOT? While we embrace a diversity of approaches, can we also encourage a community of mutual support and development? What needs to occur, so we preserve the wisdom of our elders, bring along new teachers and therapists, and create an “all flourishing is mutual” approach to sharing curriculum, teaching, and learning.

FOT Conference 2023: Session 12

Saturday, November 4, 2023    4:00pm - 6:00pm PDT / 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy (FOAT®): Overview and Demonstration
Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) Therapy integrates Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing with the expressive arts. Laury will present a brief overview of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy, along with a demonstration of a FOAT Check-in with a “volunteer client.” The FOAT Check-in is a core method in Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT) that offers the Focuser an option of using simple art materials (crayons, markers, string, stones, etc.), gesture, movement, or sound (as well as words) to express the felt sense. The demonstration will include a user-friendly approach of teaching the Focuser how simple art materials can be used by anyone.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Thursday, October 19, 2023    12:00pm - 2:00pm PDT

Revolutionizing Trauma and Addiction Treatment with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™
Presented by Jan Winhall, MSW, RSW, FOT

The Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™ (FSPM) shifts the current pathologizing paradigm of trauma and addiction to a strengths-based approach– providing a foundational framework that offers a clear and powerful way to integrate embodiment into practice. This model integrates Eugene Gendlin’s Felt Sense with Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, offering an appreciation of trauma and addictive behaviors as adaptive responses to maladaptive environments.

This workshop provides an overview of Jan’s book, Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model (Routledge, 2021). Jan will discuss the creation of the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™ (FSPM), developed from over 40 years of clinical practice. The presentation includes: a description of the FSPM theoretical framework, an introduction to The Embodied Assessment and Treatment Tool™, and Carnes Three Circle Harm Reduction Practice. Participants will also learn about Gendlin’s Focusing/Felt Sense somatic practice.

Didactic information, experiential exercises, and case examples are included. This workshop will be informative for those new to the field of trauma/addiction as well as seasoned practitioners.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, August 7, 2023    1:00pm - 3:00pm PDT

Poetic Medicine and Poem-Making: The Art of Deep Listening, Attention, Slowing Down, and Silence
Presented by John Fox, PPM

John Fox, author of Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making and other writings, is a pioneer in the Poetry Therapy and Expressive Arts fields, and founder of the Institute for Poetic Medicine. In this presentation, John will share how he found the healing power of words and poem-making early in the 1980's, and developed it into an approach that is now practiced all over the world.

Poetry and the elements of poetry are ways to fine-tune the quality of our listening. The art of listening includes being open to what is happening, paying close attention to our experience, and showing respect for a person. The art of listening is connected to slowing down. Silence and quietness help to make listening a generative activity– where deep listening becomes a creative agent that helps ignite ideas in those who are listened to. Participants will have an opportunity to write and share poems, exploring the many dimensions of listening. Applications to working with others will be included.

IEATA Conference 2023

Sunday, July 16, 2023    10:30am - 12:00pm PT

Self-Compassion Themed Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts for Primary Caregivers of Pediatric Thalassemia Patients
Presented by Carolyn Tongco, REACE

Primary caregivers of pediatric thalassemia patients go through multiple layers of stress as they provide care to and fulfill the demanding needs of their sick children. Such responsibilities can lead them to neglect their self-care needs, resulting in poor quality of life for both the caregiver and the patient. Self-compassion has been helpful in promoting resilience against distress. It can be achieved by learning to respond to suffering with kindness, becoming mindful, and understanding that suffering is part of the human experience. Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) has been used in a wide variety of populations to help increase self-compassion and resilience. A six-session Self- Compassion Themed FOAT® Program was developed inspired by Laury Rappaport’s Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) and Kristin Neff’s Self-Compassion approach to help address the caregiving stress of the primary caregivers of pediatric thalassemia patients. In this presentation, participants will experience some Self-Compassion Themed Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (SC-FOAT) exercises for their self-care.

IEATA Conference 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023    8:00pm - 9:30pm PT

Resilient Teaching: Expressive Arts among Teachers during the Pandemic
Presented by Dominic Paguio, Ph.D.

In a study by Rabacal et al. (2020) on the Quality of Life of Filipino teachers, they found that other than the threat to physical health posed by COVID-19, the Pandemic and measures to control its spread also impacted their quality of life and mental health. In this study, expressive arts therapy workshops were held to help address the mental health needs of higher education teachers/professors in three universities and colleges in the Philippines. The sessions were delivered online and were theme-based. The facilitator utilized a Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy (FOAT) approach, where a creative expression process ensued after mindfulness exercises. The themes identified included: fear of contracting COVID-19, demand to adapt to unfamiliar teaching modalities, work-life balance, gratitude, and self-care. The expressive arts sessions provided an avenue for safely expressing their fears and concerns and allowed them to explore the protective factors that mitigate the pandemic's effects.

IEATA Conference 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023    10:30am - 12:00pm PT

Creative Compassion: Building Relational Empathy through Expressive Arts Focusing Activities
Presented by Freda Blob, CP, Ed, AT, PCT, FOT-FOAT, GDP

In this workshop you will be introduced to a practice of Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF evolved from Focusing oriented Receptive Art Therapy. The practice enhances a sense of empathy stretching beyond personal preferences and limitations. You are invited to experiment with pastel drawings of Adolf Hölzel as reference pictures. This painter and early pioneer of Modern Arts, art teacher and musician was the first artist who put color and sound in conjunction. His paintings have been performed by dance companies in 2018. You have the possibility to explore the range of intermodal expressions coming from his art. Your doing implies receptive-active arts engagement from the Art Sense. The Art Sense is a body sense expressly referring to the Fine Arts. You will go back and forth between perceiving, sensing and expressing. Your will be able to bridge between the work of the professional artist and your own artistic work from empathic Embodied Aesthetics. Stepping into this practice you get access to a method of Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF that can be integrated in your field of the Expressive Arts without previous knowledge of Focusing or Receptive Art Therapy.

FOAT® Workshop
Thursday, March 23rd, 2023  10:00am - 1:00pm PDT / 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) as a Trauma-Informed Approach

Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT

Offered as part of Expressive Therapies Virtual Summit West

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is a mindfulness and body-based approach to the expressive arts that cultivates resilience enhances self-compassion and provides tools to help clients access their innate wisdom toward growth and healing. This 3-hour virtual workshop will present an overview of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) including its foundational principles, main approaches, and applications to individuals and groups within treatment. Participants will be introduced to a 3-phase FOAT® model that illustrates how it can be applied as a trauma-informed approach.  FOAT® can be applied to all clinical contexts, as well as applications in nonclinical contexts (e.g education, coaching, art centers, etc). Didactic material, experiential exercises, and case examples will be used to teach introductory FOAT® concepts and methods. This workshop is beneficial for all counselors and therapists, arts facilitators, educators, and coaches. All  are welcome. Approved for 3 Clock/Credit Hours: ATCB; NASW, MFT; SWNYS, LMHC, LMFT, LCAT (New York state only). Live attendance or viewing the recording with completed assignments will count as a prerequisite for our FOAT® Training Program's Level 1 (begins September 18, 2023).

  • Check out Laury Rappaport's featured interview about this workshop on The Creative Psychotherapist Podcast’s episode, "Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts"!
FOAT® Training (Introductory Level)
Monday, March 6th, 2023  3:00pm - 6:00pm PST / 6:00pm - 9:00pm EST

Introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT, and FOAT Faculty


This course provides an introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) including its history and development, foundational principles, and main theoretical and practice approaches. Based on Eugene Gendlin’s evidence-based Focusing, this training workshop includes learning the main concepts of Focusing Attitude, felt sense, symbol/handle, and felt shift. 

​The course demonstrates user-friendly expressive arts methods for expressing a felt sense and defines the following main approaches– FOAT Check-in, Theme-Directed FOAT, Clearing a Space with Arts, and Working on an Issue. Didactic presentations, experiential practice exercises and examples provide a rich, varied format for learning. Approved for 3 CE (Continuing Education) hours - full CE information here. Live attendance or viewing the recording with completed assignments will count as a prerequisite for our FOAT® Training Program's Level 1 (begins September 18, 2023).

  • Click here to register for the Self-Study course!


FOAT® Community Gathering
Friday, January 20th, 2023  1:00pm - 3:00pm PST / 4:00pm - 6:00pm EST

FOAT Community, Intentions, and Action Steps 2023

Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT, and FOAT Faculty

During this gathering, we will take some time to become aware of a wish or intention for ourselves and for the world in this new year. Through the healing power of community, heartfelt vision, externalization, and an action step, our intentions are supported to take root and manifest.

We will begin with a Focusing Attunement to ground ourselves, arrive into the present moment and connect with each other through the beauty of stillness and mindful breathing. After, we will take some time to Focus on what we are each wanting to bring into our lives this year… and also something for our world.  Through a user-friendly approach, we will express these intentions through colors, lines, shapes, images, words, gestures, or sounds.  We will then listen within to see if there is a small action step that feels right to water the seeds of our intentions.  There will be time for sharing in small groups and in the larger group.


FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, November 7, 2022    1:00PM - 3:00PM PST / 4:00PM - 6:00PM EST

Rhythmic Attunement in Expressive Arts: Attachment, Embodied Empathy, and Interpersonal Neurobiology
Presented by Mitchell Kossak, Ph.D., LMHC, REAT

Dr. Mitchell Kossak will share about his 1980 meeting of Paolo Knill, Ph.D. (pioneer of intermodal expressive arts)— including reflections about Paolo's profound inspiration in the field worldwide.  After, Mitchell will present his research on rhythmic attunement and how engagement in expressive arts can lead to flow states— or what is referred to as unitive experiences, sometimes amounting to a felt sense of union with other people, other life forms, objects, environments, the divine, or the universe itself.
Therapeutic attunement can be viewed as being based on an embodied awareness of rhythmic flow, and on mutual connections that occur when there is an intense process of deep listening, kinesthetic awaren
ess, and deep attention to what is occurring in the moment—which can be thought of as mindfulness attention.  This presentation will  introduce the basic underlying principles of therapeutic attunement— including concepts of resonance, rhythm, misattunement, embodied empathy, attachment, entrainment, and interpersonal neurobiology that affects us personally and interpersonally.  Experiential exercises are included.

FOAT® Workshop
Fridays, October 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2022  3:00PM - 5:00PM PDT

FOAT® Tools II: Working with Challenges and Accessing our Body's Creative Wisdom 2022 Series

Facilitated by Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT. Assisted by Lic. Evelyn Ammon and Lic. Frances Ingouville.

FOAT® Tools II builds on the resilience-enhancing FOAT exercises taught in our foundational courses and teaches new FOAT exercises that help to befriend the more challenging or stressful felt senses that are part of our everyday lives.
During this series, we will introduce you to the following exercises: FOAT® Check-in and What it Needs, Inner Advisor, and Self-Care. Together we will co-create a supportive community to learn and practice these tools for deepening into our authenticity, presence, and creative wisdom – and identify steps toward growth, healing, and change. There will be opportunities to support our connection and deepen our skills of compassionate presence and listening through small and large group sharing.
Note: FOAT® Check-in and What it Needs will be offered 2 times in this series because when it is used as a repeated practice it:

  • Deepens the ability to ground ourselves

  • Brings a compassionate presence to whatever felt sense is there

  • Enhances our authenticity

  • Strengthens our inner knowing for how to care for ourselves and challenging felt senses

Approved for 8 CE hours: Click here for CE information.

FOAT® Workshop
Monday, September 19, 2022   10:00AM - 11:00AM PDT / 1:00PM - 2:00PM EDT

Cultivating Self-Compassion through Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) for Self-Care

Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., MFT, REAT, ATR-BC

Offered through the International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACAET)

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is a mindfulness-based, somatic approach to the expressive arts that cultivates self-compassion and enhances resilience. The Focusing Attitude is central to FOAT® practice and teaches how to be curious and “friendly” to all of one’s inner experiences— whether uplifting or painful and difficult. This inner attitude brings a safe holding space within— that carries with it a life enhancing energy. Over time and with practice, the Focusing Attitude evolves into greater self-compassion.
This presentation includes an experiential exercise on the “Focusing Attitude”— that also teaches the basic step of FOAT®: how to access a felt sense— symbolize it as an image, gesture, sound, word, or phrase— and express it through the arts. This FOAT® exercise is a self-care practice for practitioners and can also be applied to working with others.

FOAT® Workshop

Thursday, August 11, 2022   2:00 - 4:00 PDT / 5:00PM - 7:00PM EDT

Cultivating Compassion For Self And Others Through Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)

Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., MFT, REAT, ATR-BC

Offered through The International Focusing Institute

This presentation will provide a brief overview of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®), including its main approaches— Theme-Directed FOAT®, Clearing a Space with Arts, FOAT® Check-in, and Working on an Issue.

We will do a Theme-Directed FOAT® exercise on Gene Gendlin’s central concept, the Focusing Attitude— being curious and “friendly” to all of one’s inner experiences, whether uplifting or painful and difficult. With practice and time, the Focusing Attitude evolves in greater self-compassion and compassion towards others. This experiential exercise includes user-friendly methods for expressing the felt sense through creative expression. Externalizing the felt sense symbol (word, phrase, image, gesture or sound) helps the Focuser to see clearly what is within, unfolds the felt meaning, and can be a continuing reminder of what is wanting to be carried forward.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, August 1, 2022    3:00PM - 5:00PM PDT / 6:00PM - 8:00PM EDT

Carrying Focusing Forward is a Creative Process
Presented by Ann Weiser Cornell, Ph.D.

Ann will tell the story of meeting and learning Focusing from Gene Gendlin 50 years ago, when she was 22— and how Gene encouraged her to develop her own ideas about teaching Focusing, saying “Keep going!” It’s a part of Gene’s philosophy that the only way to be true to an idea or a method is to bring it through your own body and make it your own. After, Ann will share about the development of Inner Relationship Focusing, and how it grew from seeds planted while she was assisting Gene with his first Focusing workshops. Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) is an approach to Focusing based on cultivating an inner state of calm, curious acceptance toward all aspects of the self, including stressful and judgmental thoughts and all sorts of emotions and body sensations. An important principle is the “radical acceptance of everything,” the assumption that there are no enemies inside, and everything in us deserves and needs compassion for how it is trying to help us. Ann will present the main highlights of Inner Relationship Focusing along with an experiential exercise.

FOAT® Workshop Series
Fridays, June 17, 24 and July 8, 15, 2022   3:00 - 5:00 PDT / 6:00PM - 8:00PM EDT

FOAT® Tools I: Foundations for Enhancing Resilience 2022

Facilitated by Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT. Assisted by Lic. Evelyn Ammon and Lic. Frances Ingouville

We are excited to offer this rejuvenating 4-session series!  Our goal is to co-create a supportive group that will meet to practice specific FOAT® exercises to enhance resilience, cultivate self-compassion and compassion toward others. Each week will include one main Theme-based FOAT® integrating Focusing with user-friendly methods for arts expression. Through this weekly FOAT® practice group, small steps towards wellbeing, positive change and growth will be nourished and supported. Open to both those new to and experienced in FOAT®!

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, June 6, 2022    1:00PM - 3:00PM PDT / 4:00PM - 6:00PM EDT

Natalie Rogers, a Mentor and Friend: Person-Centered Expressive Arts and Its Applications
Presented by
Anin Utigaard, MA, MFT, REAT


Anin Utigaard, MA, MFT, REAT, met Natalie Rogers, Ph.D., pioneer of Person-Centered Expressive Arts in 1988. Natalie Rogers was the founder of the Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Institute (PCETI), and the daughter of Carl Rogers— a humanistic psychologist who developed the Person-Centered (and Client-Centered) approach to counseling and psychotherapy. Anin will share highlights of what she learned from Natalie through her experiences in many roles (i.e. student, co-facilitator, mentee, colleague, and friend)— and from the legacy that Natalie left to the field and global community.

After, Anin will present the philosophy and foundation with the Person-Centered Expressive Arts Approach and how it can be applied to working with clients, groups, couples, families, and children. She will discuss how the Person-Centered methods assisted her in working with adolescents in a treatment center and private practice. Additionally, Anin will illustrate how the expressive arts helps teens to move through resistances while providing a safe place to express and process their inner life. The presentation includes a Person-Centered experiential exercise, along with opportunities for sharing, reflections, and Q&A.

FOAT® Related Workshop
Weekly meetings on Fridays from April 29 - May 20, 2022   Starts at 6:30PM EDT

FOAT® and SoulCollage® for Self-Discovery

With Lynn Pollock, LMHC, REAT and Marise Lariviere, LMFT, ATR, SoulCollage® Facilitator

Offered by the Expressive You Online School

FOAT® Trainers Lynn Pollock and Marise Lariviere invite you to join them for a 4-week online workshop centered around the theme of self-discovery. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the creative and intuitive approach of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®). Focusing, a form of felt-sensing, is a practice of allowing our bodies to guide us to deeper self-knowledge and healing. Each week, you will be guided through a FOAT® invitation to delve into parts of your many-faceted self and illustrate your experience through the creation of a SoulCollage® card. The SoulCollage® process is highly conducive to awakening your intuition and empowering inner wisdom. The goal is for participants to: access their inner wisdom, build self-awareness, develop self-compassion, and practice self-care.

FOAT® Related Workshop
Thursday, April 21, 2022   2:30PM - 5:30PM PDT

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) as a Trauma-Informed Approach

Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., MFT, REAT, ATR-BC

Offered as part of the Expressive Therapies Summit Los Angeles Conference

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is a mindfulness and body-based approach to the expressive arts that cultivates resilience enhances self-compassion and provides tools to help clients access their innate wisdom toward growth and healing. This 3-hour virtual workshop will present an overview of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) including its foundational principles, main approaches, and applications to individuals and groups within treatment. Participants will be introduced to a 3-phase FOAT® model that illustrates how it can be applied as a trauma-informed approach.  FOAT® can be applied to all clinical contexts, as well as applications in nonclinical contexts (e.g education, coaching, art centers, etc). Didactic material, experiential exercises, and case examples will be used to teach introductory FOAT® concepts and methods. This workshop is beneficial for all counselors and therapists, arts facilitators, educators, and coaches. Eligible for 3.0 Clock/Credit Hours.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, April 4, 2022    1:00PM - 3:00PM PDT

A Focusing Approach to Positivity: Focusing on What You Love and What Matters Most
Presented by Joan Klagsbrun, Ph.D.

Joan Klagsbrun met Eugene Gendlin in 1976 and maintained a close connection with him through his life, as well as with his wife Mary Hendricks-Gendlin. After Joan shares stories that illuminate what was inspiring about Gene and his teachings, she will present how to integrate Focusing with Positive Psychology.
Focusing, developed by Eugene Gendlin, is an evidence-based approach and an intrinsically optimistic method. It can help us to discover and savor the positive aspects of our Iives. By Focusing on our good experiences, we not only get to the essence of what was so pleasurable or so meaningful, but we deepen our sense of wellbeing and invite it to grow. Research affirms this wisdom of placing attention on positive experiences and feelings. Positive emotions build inner resources to help us become more resilient. People who have a higher ratio of ‘positivity’ to ‘negativity’ also have more energy, more creativity, and better health. Most of us reflexively dwell on our problems and concerns. When we are able to feel gratitude, contentment, or enjoyment, for example, we can actually elevate our mood and think more effectively.
Joan’s presentation will also include an experiential component that includes time to Focus on some pathways to happiness that can strengthen a sense of wellbeing and enrich our lives.

FOAT® Related Workshop
Saturday, March 19, 2022   10:00AM - 12:00PM PDT

The Power of Using Art with Focusing: Building Resilience with FOAT® and SoulCollage®

Presented by Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT and Marise Lariviere, LMFT, ATR  |  Offered through The International Focusing Institute

Lynn and Marise invite you to join for an introduction to Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®), a Focusing approach that incorporates the expressive arts with Gendlin’s Focusing to enhance and deepen inner knowing. In this webinar we will review the basics of Focusing and FOAT® and engage in a simple collage process to experience this powerful approach. You will be guided in a theme-directed FOAT® invitation, to delve into a part of your many-faceted self and illustrate your experience through the creation of a SoulCollage® card. The SoulCollage® process is highly conducive to awakening your intuition and empowering inner wisdom. This webinar is hands-on and no prior Focusing or arts experience is required. The time will be spent in some didactic learning and then you will be given ample time to create your collage. After, we will open it up for sharing and questions.

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, February 7, 2022   1:00PM - 3:00PM PST

Growing Up with Art Therapy: A Glorious Adventure for Almost 6 Decades!

Presented by Judy A. Rubin, Ph.D., ATR-BC, HLM

Judy Rubin is a pioneer art therapist who began her work in 1963, when the profession itself was in the process of being born. In the first part of this presentation, Judy will share stories from the early days of the development of art therapy in the United States. Making it up as she went along, Judy had the good fortune to meet some generous visionaries whose guidance was critical— including Erik Erikson, Margaret Naumburg, Edith Kramer, and Irene Jakab. Next, Judy will show videos from different periods in the growth of art and all the expressive arts therapies, where you will meet others who helped to invent these professions. Judy will also talk about what she learned as the “Art Lady” on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and its effect on all of her later work. Additionally, Judy will discuss her hopes and vision for the future, including her dream of providing a streaming library where people can view classic and contemporary films— and can learn by watching master clinicians conducting thoughtful and sensitive therapy using all of the expressive arts. 

IEATA 14th International Conference

Sunday, January 16, 2022    1:15AM - 2:45AM PST

Into the More – Exploring the Transformative Potential of Expressive Avenues

Presented by Freda Blob, M.Psych., M.Ed., Cert. FOT/FOAT®, Cert. GD®P  (Germany)

Art making is not about who is me. It is about releasing creative life energy into something bigger. To express this experience we use different modalities or avenues. The avenue most favoured may indicate the most transformative potential or shifting power. We ask: What does such favoured avenue hold for a person's growth and healing process? The workshop will introduce into the experiential concept of the avenues (Gene Gendlin) and its application in Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy FOAT® (Laury Rappaport). You will learn about the body sense as the juncture between the modalities and explore how the body sense is leading from one expressive avenue into the other. Being with how you work on one avenue - the favoured one -, you get insight in the essential of each avenue. New experiences of vastness, synchronicity and unity will show up very naturally.

IEATA 14th International Conference

Saturday, January 15, 2022    8:15PM - 9:45PM PST

Introduction to FOAT® and SoulCollage® for Growth and Transformation

Presented by Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT | Marise Lariviere, LMFT, ATR

This is an introductory workshop combining FOAT® and SoulCollage® - two creative and insightful approaches to inner exploration. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to FOAT® as a gentle and curious way to explore their inner experience and access the felt sense. Then they will learn the fun and powerful artistic process of SoulCollage® that uses images as a means of expressing their inner wisdom. Blending FOAT® with SoulCollage® fosters a profound experience, allowing our body to guide us to deeper self-knowledge. To give participants a taste of this powerful medium, we will briefly review the basics of FOAT® and SoulCollage®, create a card or two, and engage in an intermodal experience to deepen insight and self-discovery. Open to people who are new to FOAT® as well as those with previous FOAT® experience!

IEATA 14th International Conference

Friday, January 14, 2022    3:00PM - 4:30PM PST

Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) Source of Strength

Presented by Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT | Grace Brillantes-Evangelista, Ph.D., RPsy, CSCLP

We will introduce participants to the embodied mindfulness practice of FOAT® and facilitate the process of accessing the body’s wisdom. They will be invited to become aware of something in their lives that is or has been a source of strength or support. This felt sense is then expressed creatively through visual art, writing, gesture, movement, or sound. The FOAT® Source of Strength can be carried forward and applied in the participant’s current life circumstance.

IEATA 14th International Conference

Friday, January 14, 2022    1:15PM - 2:45PM PST

Cultivating Self-Compassion and Enhancing Resilience through Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)

Presented by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is a mindfulness and body-based approach to the expressive arts that cultivates self-compassion and enhances resilience. This workshop will provide a brief overview of FOAT® and present two of its main approaches:

  1. The Focusing Attitude

  2. Expressing a felt sense through the arts

The Focusing Attitude teaches how to be “curious and friendly to all of one’s inner experiences” whether uplifting or painful and difficult. This inner attitude brings a safe holding space within that carries with it a life enhancing energy. Over time, the Focusing Attitude evolves into greater self-compassion. The workshop will also include an experiential exercise on the Focusing Attitude that teaches how to access a felt sense; symbolize it as an image, gesture, sound, word, or phrase; and express it through the arts. A brief example will also be included. This workshop highlights how FOAT® accesses our inner wisdom and creativity, enhances self-compassion and naturally unfolds steps toward growth and healing.​

FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Monday, December 6, 2021    1:00PM - 2:30PM PST

How Art Heals: Whole Art Expression and Going with the Grain of Nature
Presented by Shaun McNiff

Shaun McNiff created the first graduate program in expressive arts in the world, pioneering a vision of "Whole Art Expression"— that "art" includes all forms of the arts— movement, music, drama, writing, etc.  Today, the expressive arts are practiced all over the world— in counseling, psychotherapy, education, health and wellness, research, creativity, and more. This was a rare opportunity to listen first-hand to stories, practices, and ideas spanning Shaun McNiff’s 50 years of developing and refining his original vision.  The presentation was interactive— a community feeling— with time for questions and reflections in response to Shaun’s presentation on various topic, such as:

  • How Art heals by infusing persons and communities with creative energy and by transforming difficulties into affirmations of life.

  • The creation in the 1970’s of an innovative expressive arts training program at a prestigious art gallery with patients who were still living in a State psychiatric hospital, some for 25 - 50 years. 

  • How the most elemental and simple gestures and organic actions access the depths of artistic expression

  • Methods of engagement: such as the movement basis of expression, art as a force of nature as accessible as breath, the significance of simplicity and authenticity in quality expression, creating with objects from nature, and the use of digital media

  • How resistances, inhibitions, and doubts can be channeled into creative and healing expressions

  • How to create environments and communities that support the creative expression of others.

  • And more


FOAT® Series: Roots, Branches, and Wings

Wednesday, November 10, 2021    4:00PM - 6:00PM PST

Exploring the Fundamentals of Focusing: Experiencing and Crossing

Presented by Akira Ikemi, Ph.D.

Dr. Akira Ikemi first met Gene Gendlin in 1979, then became a graduate student at the University of Chicago where Gene was a professor.  The first part of this workshop began with Akira Ikemi’s personal reflections about what was inspiring about Gene. Listening to stories like these helps to illuminate and carry forward deeper understandings of the living roots of Focusing and its philosophy— which continues to unfold in new ways today. Akira Ikemi then shared about the influences of Wilhelm Dilthey’s hermeneutics on Focusing, a method which Gendlin developed. After, Akira Ikemi lead a Focusing exercise that he created— Crossing with Animals— which helps to teach two concepts of Gene’s philosophy, Experiencing and Crossing.  Participants then learned to apply the principles of Experiencing and Crossing to art images or expressions. This helps enrich the understanding and practice of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts.

FOAT® Graduate Course

July - September 2021

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy Course

Offered by Lesley University's Expressive Therapies Program, Taught by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC

This course introduces the theory and practices of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®). FOAT® is a mindfulness-based, somatic approach to the expressive arts rooted in psychologist and philosopher Eugene Gendlin’s evidence-based research on Focusing. In this course, you will learn: the history of Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts, the main concepts of Focusing, the main approaches of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts, and the application to a variety of clinical issues (e.g. trauma, severe mental illness, medical issues, anxiety, depression, wellness) and populations (e.g. adults, adolescents, children, individuals, and group).

General FOAT® Workshop
Monday, June 14th, 2021    3:00PM - 5:30PM PDT

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts: The Felt Sense as a Doorway to Intermodal Expression

Offered by Expressive Arts Florida Institute, Facilitated by Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC

This workshop provides an overview of the history, foundational principles, and main approaches of FOAT® - and teaches how the felt sense is a doorway to all of the expressive arts modalities and intermodal expression. The workshop includes a theoretical overview along with experiential exercises to teach an introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) as an intermodal approach. The meeting will be recorded and posted in the forum after the workshop, for viewing only by those who have registered for the workshop. For more information about the Expressive Arts Florida Institute's 2021 Professional Development Series, click here.

General FOAT® Workshop
Monday, June 7th, 2021    3:30PM - 5:30PM PDT
Introduction to FOAT® and SoulCollage® for Self-Discovery

Facilitated by Marise Lariviere, LMFT, ATR and Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT

Join Marise Lariviere and Lynn Pollock, Certified Focusing Trainers: Specialization in FOAT®, for an introductory workshop combining FOAT® and SoulCollage® - two creative and insightful approaches to inner exploration. In this workshop, you will be introduced to FOAT® as a gentle and curious way to explore your inner experience and access the felt sense. Then you will learn the fun and powerful artistic process of SoulCollage® that uses images as a means of expressing your inner wisdom. Blending  FOAT® with SoulCollage® fosters a profound experience, allowing our body to guide us to deeper self-knowledge. To give you a taste of this powerful medium, we will briefly review the basics of FOAT® and SoulCollage®, create a card or two, and share in pairs for deeper insight and self-discovery. Open to all levels of experience!

Levels 1 + 2 FOAT® Training

May 30, 2021

FOAT® Levels 1 and 2 Training

Offered by Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (University of Guatemala)

General FOAT® Event

Saturday, May 22, 2021    2:55PM - 3:15PM EDT
Expressive Media Film Library Launch Party: FOAT® Demonstration

Offered by Expressive Media Film Library, Presented by Laury Rappaport and Frances Ingouville

This Facebook Live Launch Party will be hosted by Judy Rubin to celebrate the launch of her Film Library "Dream Project". Join Laury Rappaport and Frances Ingouville as they discuss 2 FOAT® video clips from FOAT®: An Introduction; and FOAT® Client Demonstration I: Integrating Focusing, Art, and Action Methods. To see the full FOAT® videos, click here! The full Launch Party will have over a dozen distinguished arts therapists sharing stories, clinical tips, and answering questions on a variety of topics. They will be presenting video clips from the extensive catalog of over 150 hours of arts therapies titles. Drop by anytime to get 2-weeks of Film Library access for free!

General FOAT® Training

April 19 - May 10, 2021

FOAT® Tools II: Working with Challenges and Accessing our Body's Creative Wisdom

Faculty: Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC  |  Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT  |  Grace Brillantes-Evangelista, Ph.D., RPsy, CSCLP  |  Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC  |  Marise Lariviere, MA, LMFT, ATR

FOAT® Tools II builds on the resilience-enhancing FOAT® exercises taught in our foundational courses and teaches new FOAT® exercises that help to befriend the more challenging or stressful felt senses that are part of our everyday lives. During this series, we will introduce you to the following exercises: FOAT® Check-in and What it Needs, Inner Advisor, and Self-Care. Together we will co-create a supportive community to learn and practice these tools for deepening into our authenticity, presence, and creative wisdom - and identify steps toward growth, healing, and change. There will be opportunities to support our connection and deepen our skills of compassionate presence and listening through small and large group sharing. This group is open to people who have taken at least 1 FOAT® workshop or training or who have completed a Level 1 Focusing training. This course is approved for 7 CE hours.

General Expressive Arts Event

Sunday, April 18, 2021    7:30AM - 10:00AM PDT

Celebrating the National and International Impact of the Integration of the Arts Within the Intersection of Health, Education, and Therapy

Offered by Lesley UniversityFeatured panelist: Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC

Join us virtually for the 12th Annual Arts and Healthcare Conference. This conference will explore aspects of the full integration of art and the creative process into education, mental health, community, health and human services around the world. Presenters will talk about their process of utilizing the contagion of art and the creative process with depth and discipline and will share some of their approaches, creative transformations, program development activities, and arts-based research. The intersectionalities and integration of the arts will be explored as a process that includes all of the senses and all modalities of expression. This approach relates to working with the whole person through all of the art forms and engaging others with "everything they" have within the context of creativity. This event is free and open to the public!

Levels 3 + 4 FOAT® Training

March - April 2021

FOAT® Levels 3 and 4 in Hong Kong

Faculty: Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT. REAT, ATR-BC  |  Grace Chan, MA, ATR-BC  |  Katherine Kwok, MMus, LTCL


The content of Level 3 includes refining the skills and competencies in presence, Focusing skills, Focusing Attitude, experiential listening, self-guiding, guiding others, the basic methods and three approaches of FOAT®. Level 4 includes clinical and non-clinical applications to the trainee’s interests (e.g. psychotherapy, coaching, body-work, spirituality, etc.). Trainees develop the application of FOAT® to their area of interests - designing a FOAT® plan for a population and presenting it for supervision and feedback. Training structure includes six group Zoom meetings, self-study, small group work, FOAT® partnerships, and two individual supervision sessions.

General FOAT® Training

Mondays, February 22nd - March 15th, 2021

FOAT® Tools I : Foundations for Enhancing Resilience

Faculty: Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, REAT, ATR-BC  |  Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT  |  Grace Brillantes-Evangelista, Ph.D., RPsy, CSCLP  |  Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC  |  Marise Lariviere, MA, LMFT, ATR

This course includes 4 weekly sessions. Our goal is to co-create a supportive group that will meet to practice specific FOAT® exercises to enhance resilience, cultivate self-compassion and compassion toward others. Each week will include one main Theme-based FOAT® integrating Focusing with user-friendly methods for arts expression.  Through this weekly FOAT® practice group, small steps towards wellbeing, positive change and growth will be nourished and supported. Recordings will be available if you are unable to attend the live workshop. This group is open to people who are new to FOAT® as well as those with previous FOAT® experience.

General FOAT® Workshop

Friday, March 5, 2021    1:00 - 3:00 PM PST

Cultivating Your Resilience through Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)

Offered though CoronaPlaza.Life and Focusing Initiatives International

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) helps us to find an inner place of stability - and to access our body’s knowing and creative wisdom. In this workshop, we will begin with a centering  exercise to ground ourselves and connect with the larger community. Next we will do a Focusing exercise to access a “source of strength” - letting a felt sense emerge from it. Through a user-friendly approach, we will find a way to express our felt sense into a creative expression - which might come as a color, shape, image, word, phrase, gesture or sound. We will also identify a small step to carry this inner strength into our daily life. As we bring into awareness a source of strength and externalize it through creative expression, our resilience becomes enhanced. Sharing in community supports and nourishes carrying this strength forward in our lives. No experience necessary in Focusing or the arts.

General FOAT® Event

Friday, Jan. 8th, 2021

FOAT® Community Gathering, Intentions and Actions Steps 2021

Online gathering to bring together our beautiful international community and support each other into 2021!

Levels 3 + 4 FOAT® Training

November - December 2020

Advanced Practice Skills and Supervision in FOAT®

At Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

General FOAT® Workshop

October 2020

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) as a Trauma-Informed Approach: Overview and Demonstration

Panel: Engaging the Felt Sense through Dreams, Imagery and Positivity with Leslie Ellis,  Joan Klagsbrun, and Laury Rappaport. Moderated by Serge Prengel.

This presentation includes an overview of the development of FOAT® along with its main approaches— Expressing a Felt Sense through the Arts, Clearing a Space with the Arts, Theme-Directed FOAT®; and “Working on an Issue.” ​A demonstration of FOAT® ​with a volunteer client is included that illustrates FOAT® as a Trauma-Informed 3-Phased Model. 

Graduate FOAT® Course

July 2020

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy Course at Lesley University, Expressive Therapies Program

This course introduces the theory and practices of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®). FOAT® is a mindfulness-based, somatic approach to the expressive arts rooted in psychologist and philosopher Eugene Gendlin’s evidence-based research on Focusing. In this course, you will learn: the history of Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts; the main concepts of Focusing; the main approaches of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts; and the application to a variety of clinical issues (e.g. trauma, severe mental illness; medical issues; anxiety, depression, and wellness) and populations (e.g. adults, adolescents, children, individuals and group).

General FOAT® Training

Monday, May 18th, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: Self-Care.

Facilitators: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director with Doreen Meister, Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in FOAT®


We will share a guided FOAT ® exercise to explore what we are needing for self-care; what’s in the way; and what’s a small step to take. Focusing and the arts are integrated into the experience. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!

General FOAT® Training

Monday, May 11th, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: Source of Strength

Facilitators: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director with Grace Brillantes-Evangelista, Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in FOAT®


This FOAT® exercise helps to become aware of something in your life that is, or has been, a source of strength or support. We will take time to Focus on the source of strength, get a felt sense and symbol (a word, phrase, image, gesture or sound) and express it through writing, art, movement or sound. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!


General FOAT® Training

Monday, May 4, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: FOAT® Check-in

Facilitator: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director

A FOAT® Check-in provides an opportunity to see what is there— what we are carrying in our body-spirit-mind in the present moment. It is different from the structured Theme-based topics (e.g. peaceful place; source of strength; etc.) as a FOAT® Check-in invites us to whatever is there— which may be challenging feelings, as well as grounded, resilient felt senses. If you are new to FOAT® or Focusing, we advise taking one of the other Theme-Directed weeks first. If you know you feel too vulnerable to allow the more challenging felt senses to have a place to arise, it is advisable to take one of the more structured Theme-Based weeks (such as Source of Strength, Peaceful Place, Self-care, etc.).

During the FOAT® Check-in, we will take time to center and ground ourselves, followed by checking in with our felt sense to see how we are now.  After, we will get a symbol (a word, phrase, image, gesture or sound) and express It through the arts and/or journal. We will then do another Focusing step, and ask it if it needs anything. We will form small breakout groups for sharing and listening to our partners. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!


General FOAT® Training

Monday, April 27, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: Clearing a Space with the Arts

Facilitators: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director with Lynn Pollock, Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in FOAT®


Clearing a Space with the Arts is an exercise that teaches how to identify stressors and to imagine setting them at a distance, outside of your body. It is based on Eugene Gendlin’s Clearing a Space exercise which has been researched showing its benefits for stress reduction. The exercise also helps us to access an inherent place of wellbeing that is always there. The arts are used to concretize and carry forward the benefits from the experience. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!


General FOAT® Training

Monday, April 20, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: Peaceful Place

Facilitators: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director with Marise Lariviere, Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in FOAT®


Taking the time to focus on a peaceful place (a place you know or make up in your imagination) helps the body to relax and restore— which is helpful during times of stress. Focusing and the arts are integrated into the experience. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!


General FOAT® Training

Monday, April 13, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: The “Focusing Attitude": Being “Friendly” to Your Inner Experience

Facilitators: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director with Doreen Meister, Certified Focusing Trainer: Specialization in FOAT®


This teleconference offered an exercise on the “Focusing Attitude”—which helps us to be curious, welcoming and “friendly” toward our inner experience and creative expression. During this time of increased uncertainty, anxiety, fear and other feelings, it is especially helpful to learn about and practice the Focusing Attitude. We can find a place within us that can be available for the challenging feelings and experiences— and that being present with them can lead toward a positive integration and shift. Over time, the Focusing Attitude and friendly, welcoming curiosity deepens into greater self-compassion. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!

General FOAT® Training

Monday, April 6, 2020

FOAT® Tools for Challenging Times 2020: Mindful Breathing, the Pebble Meditation (based on Thich Nhat Hanh) and FOAT®

Facilitator: Laury Rappaport, Founder/Director


This teleconference provided an introduction to FOAT® with an opportunity to practice mindful breathing and the Pebble Meditation together, based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Mindful breathing can help us to find the still place within—while noticing the swirling of feelings, thoughts, sensations, etc.  Focusing was integrated to get a felt sense of what we want to carry with us, and then express it through writing, art or movement. Part of our 2020 free teleconference series!

General FOAT® Training

July 15 - 19, 2019

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts with Adults Course at Lesley University, Cambridge Massachusetts

with Laury Rappaport, Ph.D, MFT, ATR-BC, REAT


General FOAT® Training

May 27 - June 1, 2019

Intervention with Expressive Arts Course, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

with Laury Rappaport, Ph.D, MFT, ATR-BC, REAT

General FOAT® Training

May 17 - 19, 2019

Integrating Focusing and Art: Expressing the Felt Sense through FOAT® (A Theme Directed Approach to FOAT®)

at The Felt Sense Conference, New York City

with FOAT® Practitioner Grace Wing Yee Chan

General FOAT® Training

March 28 - 31, 2019

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®): Enhancing Resilience & Compassion (on Sunday, 3/31)

Expressive Therapies Summit, Los Angeles CA

with FOAT® Practitioners Marise Lariviere, MA, LMFT, ATR and Doreen Meister, MA, LMFT


Level 3 + 4 FOAT® Training

July 13 - 17, 2018

Levels 3+4 Training Intensive, Berkeley, CA

Level 3: Advanced Practice Skills and Supervision in FOAT®

The content of Level 3 includes the development and competency in presence, Focusing skills, Focusing Attitude, experiential listening, self-guiding, guiding others, the basic methods and three approaches of FOAT®.  Blocks to Focusing and the expressive arts are explored, including awareness and working with the “inner critic.” Participants work in partnerships and trios with FOAT® supervision and feedback for gaining competence.​

Level 4: Applications of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Art

The content of Level 4 includes applications to the trainee’s interests. Specialty needs are considered, such as working with trauma, addictions, severe mental health, chronic pain, health and healing, spiritual dimensions, etc. Training occurs with supervision and feedback as trainees begin applying FOAT® to their areas of interest.


General FOAT® Training

April 23, 2018

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts: A Mindfulness-based Somatic Approach

Expressive Therapies Summit, Los Angeles, CA

This 6-hour Master Class provides a combination of experiential learning and didactic material, starting with a basic overview of FOAT®, the Focusing attitude of "being friendly" to the felt sense and creative process, and how to access a felt sense and symbolize it through artistic expression. An overview of three main approaches: Theme-Directed FOAT®; Clearing a Space with Arts: and FOAT® Psychotherapy Process will be presented. The workshop includes an intermodal experience of FOAT® integrating movement, visual art, and writing, along with examples from psychotherapy/expressive arts and community settings. We will demonstrate applications for use with individuals and groups that can be adapted for all ages and populations. 

Level 2 FOAT® Training

April 15, 2018: Online video conference 

FOAT® Partnership with Practice III - Inner Critic

FOAT® Partnership Practice: This training teaches the fundamental skills and guidelines for FOAT® Partnership Practice relevant to the "inner Critic."


Level 2 FOAT® Training

March 18, 2018: Online video conference 

FOAT® Partnership with Practice II - Working On An Issue 

FOAT® Partnership Practice: This training teaches the fundamental skills and guidelines for FOAT® Partnership Practice relevant to "working on an issue."


Levels 1 + 2 FOAT® Training

August 3 - 7, 2020           

Level 1-2: Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts           

Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. 

Level 1 FOAT® Training

June 15 - 20, 2020                

Level 1: Intervention with Expressive Arts                                                                                  

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala


Levels 1 + 2 FOAT® Training                                                                  

March 5-9, 2018

FOAT® Levels 1 + 2 at Centre on Behavioral Health, University of Hong Kong

Level 2 FOAT® Training

February 11, 2018: Online video conference 

FOAT® Partnership with Practice I - FOAT® Check-in and Blocks to FOAT® 

FOAT® Partnership Practice: This training teaches the fundamental skills and guidelines for FOAT® Partnership Practice. Focus is on FOAT® Check-in and blocks to Focusing.  

Level 2 FOAT® Training

January 21, 2018: Online video conference 

FOAT® and Compassionate Listening

This training teaches the fundamental skill of pairing compassionate listening with Focusing and the expressive arts processes. Compassionate listening helps to cultivate safety, deeper understanding, and is essential for the moment-to-moment processing of working with Focusing and the expressive arts.


Level 1 FOAT® Training

December 10, 2017: Online video conference   

Clearing a Space with Expressive Arts

The training introduces an exercise, "Clearing a Space with Expressive Arts". It provides many benefits including: stress reduction; accessing an inherent place within the self for well-being and emotion regulation. It can be used as a daily wellness practice.


Level 1 FOAT® Training

November 19, 2017: Online video conference

Theme-Directed FOAT® and Mindfulness    

Applications of Theme-Directed FOAT®. This training will address the use of themes with groups, individuals, couples, and families, as well as for education, organizations, spiritual groups, etc. Mindfulness practice with FOAT® as a Theme-Directed approach will be included. Didactic and experiential.

Level 1 FOAT® Training

September 16, 2017: Online video conference

FOAT® Fundamentals and Approaches  

Introduction to core FOAT® practices and skills; overview of the main FOAT® approaches: Basic FOAT® Step; Theme-Directed FOAT®; Clearing a Space with the Arts; Working on an Issue; Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy Process.  Didactic with experiential practice of Focusing and FOAT® Basic Step.


General FOAT® Training

September 16, 2017

JFK University Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy Introductory Course, Berkeley CA

With Laury Rappaport, PhD, MFT, REAT, ATR-BC and Rashmi Chidanand, PhD.


Level 1 FOAT® Training

August 20, 2017: Online video conference

Focusing Basics 

May be waived with Focusing experience. This course teaches the fundamentals of Focusing: the development of Focusing by Eugene Gendlin; Focusing approaches; and main skills of presence, Focusing Attitude, felt sense, asking + receiving, and felt shift.

Level 1 FOAT® Training

July 23, 2017: FREE Online video conference

Introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts

This course provides an introduction to Focusing-oriented expressive arts (FOAT®) including: the history and development of FOAT®; a brief overview and evidence-based research of Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing; overview of expressive arts; introduction to core Focusing and FOAT® concepts: Foundational FOAT® principles; Focusing attitude; felt sense; symbol; felt shift; and the basic FOAT® step—accessing a felt sense and expressing it through the expressive arts.

General FOAT® Training

June 22 - 25, 2017

2017 International Focusing-Oriented Therapies Conference, Garrison NY

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Pre-Conference Workshop with Laury Rappaport, PhD, MFT, REAT, ATR-BC.

Please click here for further details.

General FOAT® Training

May 19 - 20, 2017

CreateFest 2017 (Online Webinar)

Accessing the Body's Wisdom and Expression with Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts

The second annual online creativity festival for mental-health professionals. As one of 12 experts in the field, Laury Rappaport, PhD, MFT, REAT, ATR-BC, will be presenting on "Accessing the Body's Wisdom and Expression with Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts" on Friday, May 19th (10:30 AM PST; 1:30 PM EST).


General FOAT® Training

April 2, 2017 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm

The Expressive Therapies Summit, Los Angeles CA

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts: A Mindfulness and Somatic-based Approach (Workshop)

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) integrates mindful awareness, the wisdom of the body’s felt sense, and creative arts expression for healing and change. In this 3-hour workshop with Laury Rappaport, PhD, MFT, REAT, ATR-BC and Zoe Rappaport, participants will learn the history, core principles, and practices of FOAT® including: 1) The Focusing Attitude of being “friendly” toward the inner felt sense; 2) How to access a felt sense and express it through various expressive art modalities; and 3) How to integrate Focusing questions to further the arts process and access the body’s wisdom. An overview of the three primary FOAT® approaches: Theme-Directed FOAT®, Clearing a Space with the Arts, and FOAT® Psychotherapy Process will be presented. The workshop includes an intermodal experience of the Theme-Directed FOAT® approach, integrating Focusing using two modalities. Examples and application to psychotherapy and counseling, expressive arts therapies, and arts work in community settings will be presented

Eligible for 3.0 Credit Hours: ATCB; ASWB, APA, MFT, Nursing
Eligible for 3.0 Clock Hours: NBCC


General FOAT® Training

October 9, 2016 in Belmont, CA

Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy Ph.D. Course

At Notre Dame de Namur University

General FOAT® Training

September 18, 2016 in Berkeley, CA

Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy and Mindfulness

Laury Rappaport PhD, MFT, ATR-BC will be presenting at the Northern California Art Therapy Association Conference (NORCATA) from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. This workshop will introduce the basic theoretical and practice frameworks of Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy (FOAT®) and how it is a mindfulness-based approach. You will learn the basic concepts of the Focusing Attitude, felt sense, and learn how they cultivate self-compassion and access to the body’s inherent wisdom. The workshop will include a Theme-Based FOAT® approach in which you will learn how to combine mindfulness practices (mindful breathing and Pebble Meditation) with Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy. Clinical examples and application to various populations included.

For more information , please click here.


Level 1 FOAT® Training

September 17, 2016 in Berkeley, CA

Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts: An Introduction

This training workshop includes an overview of the history of FOAT®; the basic concepts—Focusing Attitude, felt sense and felt shift; and an introduction to the basic approaches: FOAT® Check-in; Clearing a Space with the Arts; Theme-Directed FOAT®; and FOAT® Psychotherapy Process. Case examples and experiential exercises are included.

For information: JFKU Continuing Education Calendar


General FOAT® Training

August 26 - 27, 2016 in Berkeley, CA

Deepening Imagery with Expressive Arts

As evidence-based practices, the expressive arts serve to concretize, externalize, and deepen healing images accessed through guided imagery. Learn how to move from guided imagery into creative arts expression using applications of intermodal expressive arts and Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (felt sense). The course is didactic and experiential, with clinical application for individuals, groups and different populations.

This course was taught by Ari-Asha Castalia MFT, ATR (Certified FOAT® Practitioner) and Rashmi Chidanand PhD (Certified Focusing Trainer).

General FOAT® Training

August 21 - 27, 2016 in Joshua Tree, CA

Focusing Institute Summer School

Laury Rappaport was on the faculty with five other world-renowned Focusing Teachers.

Courses that were taught by Laury included:

  • Focusing and Expressive Arts: Doorways to Your Inner Knowing, Healing Wisdom and Creative Spirit

  • Electives:

    • Creative Connections through Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts

    • Integrating Focusing into Psychotherapy

    • Mindfulness, Focusing and Expressive Arts

Level 3 FOAT® Training

June 24 - 28, 2016 in Santa Rosa, CA

Advanced Practice Skills in FOAT®

The content of Level 3 includes the development and competency in presence, Focusing skills, Focusing Attitude, experiential listening, self-guiding, guiding others, the basic methods and three approaches of FOAT®.  Blocks to Focusing and the expressive arts are explored, including awareness and working with the “inner critic.” Participants work in partnerships and trios with FOAT® supervision and feedback for gaining competence.

Level 4 FOAT® Training

June 24 - 28, 2016 in Santa Rosa, CA

Level 4: Applications of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts

The content of Level 4 includes applications to the trainee’s interests. Specialty needs are considered, such as working with trauma, addictions, severe mental health, chronic pain, health and healing, spiritual dimensions, etc. Training occurs with supervision and feedback as trainees begin applying FOAT® to their areas of interest.

Level 2 FOAT® Training

June 12, 2016: Online video conference

FOAT® Solo and FOAT® Partnership Practice       

This training has 2 parts:

FOAT® Solo: This training teaches the importance of being able to use Focusing and the expressive arts for oneself before applying it with others (Solo FOAT®). Audio and journal reflection are included to assist in FOAT® Solo Practice.

FOAT® Partnership Practice: This training teaches the fundamental skills and guidelines for FOAT® Partnership Practice. 

Level 2 FOAT® Training

May 15, 2016: Online video conference

FOAT® and Compassionate Listening         

This training teaches the fundamental skill of pairing compassionate listening with Focusing and the expressive arts processes. Compassionate listening helps to cultivate safety, deeper understanding, and is essential for the moment-to-moment processing of working with Focusing and the expressive arts. (2 CE credit hours available- click here for more details)


Level 1 FOAT® Training

April 10, 2016: Online video conference

Clearing a Space with Expressive Arts

The training introduces an exercise, "Clearing a Space with Expressive Arts". It provides many benefits including: stress reduction; accessing an inherent place within the self for wellbeing and emotion regulation. It can be used as a daily wellness practice. (2 CE credit hours available- click here for more details)

General FOAT® Training

March 5, 2016

Introduction to Focusing: A Somatic Approach to Psychotherapy

Co-presented with John Amodeo, Ph.D., MFT

John F. Kennedy University Continuing Education


General FOAT® Training

February 28, 2016

Online video Conference: General Question & Answer

with Laury Rappaport, Ph.D.


General FOAT® Training

February 19 - 21, 2016 in Santa Rosa, CA

Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy

with Cathy Malchiodi, Ph.D. and Laury Rappaport, Ph.D.

Event hosted by the Trauma Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute and Learning Center.


General FOAT® Training

February 5, 2016

Focusing and Expressive Arts: Tools for Self-Compassion, Self-Regulation, and Accessing the Body’s Wisdom

Presentation at ReCAMFT: Redwood Empire Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapy (Santa Rosa, CA)

Level 1 FOAT® Training

January 24, 2016: Online video conference

Theme-Directed FOAT® and Mindfulness

Applications of Theme-Directed FOAT®. This training will address the use of themes with groups, individuals, couples, and families, as well as for education, organizations, spiritual groups, etc. Mindfulness practice with FOAT® as a Theme-Directed approach will be included. Didactic and experiential.

Level 1 FOAT® Training

December 13, 2015: Online video conference

FOAT® Fundamentals and Approaches

Introduction to core FOAT® practices and skills; overview of the main FOAT® approaches: Basic FOAT® Step; Theme-Directed FOAT®; Clearing a Space with the Arts; Working on an Issue; Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy Process.  Didactic with experiential practice of Focusing and FOAT® Basic Step.


Level 1 FOAT® Training

November 22, 2015

Introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts

This course provides an introduction to Focusing-oriented expressive arts (FOAT®) including: the history and development of FOAT®; a brief overview and evidence-based research of Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing; overview of expressive arts; introduction to core Focusing and FOAT® concepts: Foundational FOAT® principles; Focusing attitude; felt sense; symbol; felt shift; and the basic FOAT® step—accessing a felt sense and expressing it through the expressive arts.

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