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FOAT® Training Program: Certification
2023 - 2025

The FOAT® Training program can lead to the following certifications:

Certified FOAT® Practitioner or FOAT® Facilitator

Granted by the Focusing and Expressive Arts (FOAT) Institute


Becoming certified as a FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator acknowledges your advanced training and experience to work with others. Certified FOAT® Practitioners and Facilitators receive the same foundational and intermediate levels of training (Levels 1 - 3). In Level 4, trainees receive supervision that is specific to their application of FOAT– thus, supporting the pathway toward Practitioner or Facilitator.


The primary difference between the two designations is the educational requirement. Practitioners must have a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the arts therapies or counseling fields. The Facilitator designation is for anyone interested in applying FOAT in other fields or for personal enrichment. See below for clarification:


  • Certified FOAT® Practitioner: Must have a Master’s or Doctoral degree in the arts therapy field and/or credentialed by one of the arts therapies professions (ATR-BC, REAT, R-DMT, MT-BC, etc.); or clinical/counseling psychology, social work, marriage, and family therapy, or a related field.


  • Certified FOAT® Facilitator: For those interested in using Focusing and the expressive arts for personal and/or professional application, such as in education, coaching, body-work, mindfulness and meditation training, spiritual direction, business, leadership, etc.


If you are a Certified FOAT® Facilitator and later meet the FOAT® Practitioner educational requirements, you can apply for a designation change. Please prepare documentation of your licenses and contact the Training Director ( for information about how to apply for a title change.

Requirements for Certification

Both designations require:

  1. Completing all competencies and requirements for FOAT Levels 1 through 4.

  2. At least 50 hours of documented expressive arts learning/training. These hours can be gained through in-person/online courses or workshops, and may be prior to or during the FOAT® Training Program.

  3. Prior to approval, you will have a Certification Review:

    • Submit documents: degrees, transcripts, certifications.

    • Submit documentation (list or transcripts) showing 50 hours expressive arts learning/training.

    • Schedule meeting with the Training Director (to take place after the conclusion of Level 4).

    • Pay review fee. See additional fees page for associated costs.


Certified Focusing Trainer (Professional or Therapist): Specialization in FOAT®

Granted by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI)


This certification is open to Certified FOAT® Practitioners or Facilitators who wish to teach others. The purpose of this certification is to recognize the depth and competence in Focusing that you obtain through the FOAT® Training Program, along with your specialization in integrating the expressive arts with Focusing. 


TIFI offers three certifications at the Trainer level: Certified Focusing Trainer; Certified Focusing Professional; and Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist (FOT). See "Certifications" section of the TIFI Certificate Types page for the meaning of each designation. Because the FOAT® Training Program includes the integration of the expressive arts with Focusing, TIFI grants all the three certifications along with the designation, “Specialization in FOAT®.”

Requirements and Process for Certification

After being Certified as a FOAT® Practitioner or Facilitator, you must:

  1. Successful completion of Certification Review. See additional fees for associated costs.

  2. Become a member of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI). See membership information here.

  3. The Director of the FOAT Institute, Laury Rappaport, is a Certifying Focusing Coordinator (TIFI) who will recommend trainee for certification when above requirements and competence are met. 

See our FAQ page for additional information about Certification.

Focus Train
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