Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., LMFT, ATR-BC, REAT, pioneered and developed the theory and practices of Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy (FOAT®) and Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®)– based on 40 years of clinical, community, wellness, and organizational applications. She is a Certifying Coordinator, Focusing-Oriented Therapist, and Trainer with The International Focusing Institute in New York.
Since founding the Focusing and Expressive Arts (FOAT) Institute, Laury has helped establish FOAT® as a recognized approach in the fields of art therapy and expressive art therapy, including book chapters describing the approach in Judith Rubin’s Approaches to Art Therapy, 3rd edition and Cathy Malchiodi’s book, Handbook of Expressive Arts Therapy.
Founder and Director of the Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute
Dr. Laury Rappaport has helped to establish FOAT® as an approach that can be applied to clinical and non-clinical settings, such as education, community, healthcare, coaching, somatics and body-work, creativity, spirituality and meditation, business, organizational and personal growth. She has helped bring FOAT® trainings worldwide– through online and live trainings at universities, conferences, workshops, and in collaboration with others.
Laury has held various leadership and organizational positions including, Director of Mind-Body Studies at Interface (Massachusetts), Co-Executive Director of Spring Hill Institute, and Director of the Mind-Body Program at Five Branches University.
Gaybi Igno works as a freelance website developer and designer, with an administrative background. She studied for her B.S. in Computer Science at Sonoma State University and is currently located in California. Her first web designer position was with the Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute. And so, Gaybi wholly credits Laury Rappaport for giving her the confidence to pursue happiness and freedom in all future career pursuits.
If you need any technological help with either this website or the FOAT Online School, please email me at for assistance!
Administrative Coordinator and Website Designer

Angel Thompson will provide technology support for the facilitation of our Zoom room experiences for the FOAT Institute's Live Online programs and presentations.
Angel is an artist, educator, writer and facilitator of virtual spaces. Her primary vocation is as a Teaching Artist working with youth and families in underserved communities in the greater New York City area. She has been a part of the Expressive Therapies Summit team since the beginning in 2010—as the Materials Coordinator and Zoom Room Facilitator for their many conferences and events. Angel is also the co-author of Quick and Creative Art Projects for Creative Therapists with (Very) Limited Budgets.
Zoom Technology "Angel"